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Powered by Wild Apricot™ - Membership management, website and event registration tools for non-profits. Powered by Wild Apricot™ - Membership management, website and event registration tools for non-profits.

The Green Resource Center for Alabama is a non-profit organization that provides resources and information to homeowners and businesses seeking to live and work in a sustainable fashion.

Our Mission  

To promote sustainable, social, economic and environmental practices and inspire people to action!

The GRCA helps community members make sense of the growing spectrum of "green" options by:

  • Offering comprensible information on energy efficiency, creating healthier living spaces and reducing environemnt impact
  • Providing programs on sustainable living, development and design
  • Advocating ways to protect and conserve Alabama's natural resoures

In the Community . . .

July 28-29


Conference workshops will focus on litter prevention education and related environmental issues that affect communities. Participants will learn strategies from experts, determine sources of funding, receive educational materials, and develop statewide network for idea sharing and problem solving.

This year, the event takes place at Samford University. 

Register Online Here

Our print and mail your application Here

Try Our Coffee

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Described as, "Voluptuous, dark, smooth and delicious," the Green Resource Center of Alabama is pleased to team with the righteous roasters at Primavera Coffee to bring you a sustainable brew.


Our Brazilian, Sumatran, Mexican blend is available in 120z bags for $12.00 at Primavera and the GRCA, and by the bag or cup at Crestwood Coffee.


A portion of the proceeds go to the GRCA







Powered by Wild Apricot - website software with integrated membership management, fundraising and event registration
for associations, clubs, and nonprofits.